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BornHi set the brand narrative for Millet Amma, explaining to consumers how millets can help the world face the challenges confronting it. Through our assets like video recipes, customer testimonials and feedback we helped enhance customer experience. This strengthened the product ranking and attracted organic traffic. Effective utilisation of Amazon assets led to an organic session rate of over 24% for the brand. BornHi conducted regular tests for product title and images leading to an improved CTR and better brand visibility


  • The brand wanted to acquire market share in a vast category like groceries, with its healthy alternatives.
  • It was a task to explain to the consumers the benefits about Millets through content and get them to consider the product.
  • To bring more traffic to listings
  • To increase the cart value


  • We built A+ content to educate consumers about the health benefits of Millet foods which increased brand trust, and consideration.
  • We analysed consumer behaviour for the marketplace and designed the content flow for consumer to be aware of the product, which eventually led to high session rate.
  • We have created full-funnel campaigns to increase product awareness and to bring traffic to listings.


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